Visit our website to explore our extensive range of garden products. Browse through our categories, read detailed descriptions, and add your desired items to your cart. Whether you need Composts, Manures, Wood Chips, or Top Soils we have you covered. If you would like to have a look at our Christmas Trees, feel free to come down.
Click & Collect or Local Delivery
For local delivery, enter your postcode to check if you’re within our 25-mile delivery range. If you’re outside this area, give us a call to arrange a custom delivery price. For Click & Collect, choose a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday collection slot. To collect on a different day, just call us and we’ll arrange it.
Checkout & Confirm Your Order
Once you’ve selected your products and chosen your preferred delivery or collection method, proceed to checkout. Fill in your contact details, review your order, and confirm your purchase. You’ll receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction. For local delivery, our driver will give you a call on the day to give you a more precise time.
Find Us
Connetts Farm, Honiton, Devon, EX14 4QZ.
Click & Collect and Local Delivery Available. Options available at checkout.